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February 24, 2023 11:10

Top 5 ways to properly use Linkedin to effectively land your dream job

Frewain John

So you're on the hunt for a new job. Congratulations! The first step is always the hardest, but now that you've made the decision to take your career to the next level, it's time to get serious about your job search. And in today's day and age, that means utilizing all of the tools at your disposal - especially social media.

If you're not using LinkedIn as part of your job search strategy, you're missing out big time. LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can help you connect with hiring managers, find jobs that are a perfect fit for your skillset, and learn more about companies you're interested in working for. But it only works if you know how to use it correctly.

Here are the top 5 ways to properly use LinkedIn so that you can land your dream job:  


Create a profile that is complete and accurate, including your resume and contact information.

Creating a complete and accurate profile for yourself is essential for standing out in the job search process. With a properly tailored resume highlighting your best skills, an employer will get the full picture of what you have to offer. Make sure to be clear with your contact information as well - you wouldn’t want the hiring team trying to reach out and not being able to find you! This way, you’re ensuring that any potential employers can easily identify ways they can contact you and learn more about your experience.Showcasing your best self with a current profile is surely a step in the right direction towards finding that dream job.


Find and connect with people in your field, especially those who work at the company you want to work for.

Discovering and interacting with people in your sector is a terrific way to acquire more insight into the industry, create your own contacts, and even get an inside look at what it's like to work at a company. Connecting with professionals who have worked or are currently working at the company you want to work for can be especially beneficial—they can provide advice on how to stand out from other applicants, provide insight into the company's culture and values, and may even be able to put you in the running for future opportunities.

What's the best part? There are numerous platforms available today that make it easier than ever to identify these people, securely connect with them, share ideas, and expand your network. So begin browsing around!

Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to show your expertise.

Joining relevant communities and participating in discussions can provide excellent opportunity to demonstrate your skills. Whether through alive webinar, an active forum, or an arranged conference call, these groups allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and acquire vital insight from the experience. Learning from one another and growing professionally together, regardless of audience size, leads to longer-term, meaningful relationships worth investing in. Thus, the next time you get the opportunity to join a professional organization, do so! You never know who else will be there, and developing confidence along the road isn't a bad thing either!

Follow companies you're interested in working for to stay up-to-date on their latest news and job openings.

If you want to work for your dream company, you must stay up to date on their latest news and job vacancies. Following the companies you want to work for on social media, subscribing to their newsletter, or visiting their website on a regular basis can help you keep updated in a variety ofways! It will not only notify you when new job positions are announced, but it will also provide you with insider information about what the company is currently working on. Furthermore, if that particular organization goes off your radar for any reason, maintaining connected can help you feel more secureabout reapplying in the future - and that's always a good feeling!


Use keywords throughout your profile so that you come up in search results.

Making sure that you show up in searches on networking sites is important when it comes to growing your career. To do this, make sure you are using keywords throughout your profile by including common words in your job title, skills, and interests. Doing this will help you to come up in relevant search results and could even lead to increased visibility from possible employers or other professionals looking for someone with your expertise. Take the time to think about what keywords would be beneficial for your profile – focusing on a few strong terms that accurately reflect who you are and what you offer can be enough to get noticed.

Keep your profile updated regularly, adding new skills, experiences, and projects as you go.

Keeping your profile up-to-date is a great way to keep yourself competitive in your industry. Adding new skills, experiences and projects regularly not only shows employers that you're adapting quickly and growing professionally but also demonstrates that you are actively engaged in your industry. It's also important to update content when things change, as potential employers may no longer be interested if it is outdated.

Updating your profile on a regular basis helps ensure that it remains credible and interesting. Moreover, adding new information will show prospective employers that you take staying current seriously – this can make all the difference in the success of your professional career! Implementing these five things will help you get to the job interview stage; what happens after that is solely up to you. Kudos and best wishes!

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